What the GFCC Does
The GFCC provides exposure and access to a unique network of global leaders, innovation agencies, corporations, and research institutes through its networking activities and knowledge-sharing platform.
GFCC members connect and engage with peers regularly, exchanging ideas and exclusive information, addressing challenges related to innovation and competitiveness, and comparing best practices. The GFCC facilitates engagements, promotes discussions, advises, and co-creates impactful initiatives with members.
The GFCC has an extensive network of global leaders, competitiveness organizations, corporations, universities, government agencies, and research institutes, providing connections through global events and initiatives.
The GFCC has a how-to approach on innovation policies and strategies. It aims at providing GFCC leaders and communities with practical knowledge and tools for change that have already been applied in a number of cases and different realities.
The GFCC helps its members make an impact in their cities, regions, and nations by mobilizing the GFCC’s wide network of world-class knowledge to share insights into proven solutions and strategies and build solutions to change local realities.

Membership Types
Sustaining Members make strategic contributions to the GFCC and assume leadership in the organization. They take part in critical decision-shaping and decision-making processes, exclusive activities, and meetings.
General members are national and subnational (city and regional level) councils, boards, and agencies of competitiveness, economic development, innovation, and nonprofit organizations that engage in GFCC initiatives to advance innovation and competitiveness.
Corporate members are business entities working in different sectors seeking to accelerate competitiveness and prosperity through access to the resources and expertise of the GFCC network, and by participating in GFCC knowledge-sharing activities.
University and Research members are higher-education or applied research entities that emphasize their roles as economic growth engines. They want to engage globally in a multi-stakeholder setting to share best practices and build new partnerships.
Individual members are leaders concerned with local, national, and global competitiveness and prosperity who wish to amplify their voices and have access to global resources through engagement with the GFCC community.
Membership Benefits

Exclusive Content
Members have first-hand and direct access to information, insights, and opportunities provided by experts on the ground in different nations during Monthly Calls, Expert Sessions, the Global Innovation Summit, workshops, and briefing sessions.

Members can count on the support and expertise of GFCC fellows, GFCC staff, and experts in the GFCC membership network to advise on topics related to innovation and competitiveness.

Members gain access to global opportunities, resources, and talent across nations and can showcase their organizations, regions, and countries through GFCC events and initiatives.
Curated Access to Knowledge
Members can obtain exposure to relevant cases, data, experiences, and people within the GFCC network with the support of the GFCC team. Sustaining members have exclusive office hours with the GFCC team.

Co-Creation Opportunities
The GFCC serves as a platform to co-create things with members to develop new content, new projects, and new initiatives (conceptualize, launch, and execute things with partners).
Networking and Engagement
Members connect with leaders and organizations worldwide through member-only Monthly Calls, have exclusive access and speaker participation at the GIS, and participate in events and workshops.
Become a member
If you want to join this exclusive network and contribute to advancing the GFCC's purpose, please fill out the form below with any inquiries.