Mr. Ricardo Alban joins as a new GFCC board member
Published on July 18, 2024
We are pleased to announce Mr. Ricardo Alban, President of the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI), has accepted the invitation to become a member of the GFCC Board of Trustees.
Board members provide strategic guidance and amplify the GFCC's voice internationally through the different organizations in which they participate. The Board is instrumental in providing global visibility and helping to expand the network.
“CNI has been an essential member of the GFCC, and we are delighted to welcome President Ricardo Alban to our Board of Trustees. We have implemented various projects with CNI over the years and look forward to expanding our joint work, particularly at a time when Brazil is focusing on reenergizing its manufacturing sector and decarbonizing its economy. Having Ricardo Alban in a leadership position at the GFCC will not only bring wisdom and extensive expertise in manufacturing and competitiveness strategy but also elevate the standing of Brazil and reinforce its global perspective”, notes GFCC President, the Honorable Deborah L. Wince-Smith.
CNI is the central organization representing the manufacturing sector in Brazil. It strives to increase national competitiveness by influencing the policy environment and facilitating policy dialogues with Congress, the federal government, and the Judiciary. Since its establishment, CNI has played a leading role in promoting debate and building consensus on key national issues, especially on the development of Brazilian manufacturing industries and the economy.
​“I am honored to join GFCC, this exceptional community of key organizations and highly distinguished leaders addressing global challenges. Competitiveness alongside innovation is essential to achieving the global inclusive development that we all desire. CNI will be fully dedicated to making effective and meaningful contributions, and I feel fortunate to be part of this outstanding group”, says Mr. Alban.
Mr. Alban is a highly experienced corporate leader. For nine years, he led the Federation of Industries of Bahia (a federal state in Brazil), working to transform corporate governance and drive innovation, incentivizing initiatives in R&D and clean energy. He contributed to creating a hub for the new local industry through SENAI Cimatec, Cimatec Park, and actions such as joining the Global Compact. Throughout his professional trajectory, Alban dedicated himself to promoting the industry through active participation in business and regional development entities.
Since becoming a GFCC Sustaining Member in 2015, CNI’s leadership has been actively involved in the network, participating in project development, research, and relevant dialogues related to competitiveness and industry-university partnerships worldwide. Previously, Mr. Robson de Andrade, former CNI President, represented the institution on the GFCC Board.