Expanding on the GFCC’s commitment to cross-sector promotion of innovative practices, the GFCC hosted a meeting with the Foresight Task Force of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) on April 12. Former Estonian Prime Minister and Member of the ECA Juhan Parts, former Maltese Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change and Member of the ECA Leo Brincat, former Estonian Minister of Justice and Mr. Parts’ Head of Cabinet Ken-Marti Vaher and Senior Auditor Andreas Bolkart met with GFCC President Deborah Wince-Smith, GFCC Executive Director Roberto Alvarez and GFCC fellow Banning Garrett to discuss future trends in technology and opportunities for the European Union and European institutions in the context of a rapidly changing international economy defined by scientific and technological disruptions.
As part of the European Court of Auditors’ “Future Proofing the ECA” initiative, the visit to Washington was intended to leverage global dialogue into building a stronger understanding of the emerging trends affecting institutions in the developed and developing world, and how the ECA can best adapt to these trends. Engaging with experts in the field of innovation through the GFCC’s network comprised a keystone element in the ECA’s Foresight Task Force study visit to Washington, DC.
Having begun its work in early 2018, the Foresight Task Force defines its purpose as to “reflect on what might be the most relevant issues for EU public audit in five to ten years from now and assess how the ECA could anticipate these issues.” Addressing issues ranging from relationships between European institutions to shifts in the auditing profession, the Foresight Task Force dovetails with the GFCC’s emphasis on forward-looking public-private interaction with the aim of sustainable and creative development.
The GFCC was honored to host Prime Minister Parts, Minister Brincat, Minister Vaher and Mr. Bolkart for a productive meeting furthering the aim of fostering global competitiveness through collaboration. We look forward to continuing to engage European countries such as Estonia and Malta in dialogue on the need for foresight in the European and global economies and deepening the connections between the GFCC and the innovative institutions of the European Union in the future.