Kwanza Hall
Senior Fellow
Kwanza Hall is in his third term on the Atlanta City Council. He represents the heart of Atlanta, including the Martin Luther King Jr National Historic Site and the Carter Center. His father, Leon Hall, was one of Dr. King’s youngest staff members. Hall has been recognized for leadership in many arenas, including economic inclusion, workforce development, urban design, arts, greenspace, and culture. In 2013, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation recognized his efforts expanding opportunities to families in his district with the highest concentration of poverty in the southeastern United States. Prior to his election to the Atlanta City Council, Hall served as an elected member of the Atlanta Board of Education. Hall, immediate past chair of the Atlanta City Council’s Advisory Council on International Relations, has been a fellow of the German Marshall Fund and GMF’s annual BUILD conference in Bilbao as well as a number of U.S. State Department programs.