Petro G. Doukas
Distinguished Fellow
Petros G. Doukas is Chairman of the Board of Capital Partners SA, an investment banking advisory firm. Under his guidance, Capital Partners led initiatives in banking acquisition, administering the sale of Chase Manhattan Greece, Chase Manhattan Romania, Credit Lyonnais Greece, and the Bank of Athens.
Mr. Doukas joined the government of Greece in 1992 as the Deputy Minister of Finance, overseeing the management of sovereign debt and public lands. He was elected a member of Parliament to the region of Attica in 2004. The same year, he was appointed again as Deputy Minister of Finance. Within a three-year period, he succeeded in reducing the budget deficit from 8.2% to 3.3% and improving the Republic’s credit rating. He also spearheaded the privatization of Hellenic Petroleum, The Commercial Bank of Greece, and OTE Hellenic Telecom.
He became the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2007, coordinating all international economic relations. Working with the President of the Republic, his office aimed to increase State visits in order to promote the presence of Greece in the world market.
He served as the Country Head and Country Treasurer of Citibank Investment Banking for Greece from 1986 to 199 2. During his tenure, Citibank Greece recorded its highest ever profits and gained the highest return of capital of all Citibank entities worldwide.
Mr. Doukas has additionally served as the senior advisor for Greece to Merrill Lynch International London, Sanwa Bank London, and Eurobank Securities Athens. He authored “Economic Theories, Principles of Management & Ancient Greek Thought”, as well as “The Rise and Fall of the Ancient Democracies of Sparta and Athens: Lessons for Today”, published in 2017.
Mr. Doukas holds a BA in International Affairs from The George Washington University and an MA in Economics from New York University. He also gained an MBA in Finance from Columbia University and a Phd in Economics from New York University.