Prof. Aleks Subic from Aston University to Co-chair New URLF Initiative
Prof. Aleks Subic, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Aston University will lead a new University Research Leadership Forum (URLF) initiative to create an international network of universities committed to place-based innovation.
Starting in 2024, the URLF will promote study visits and workshops and develop case studies focused on understanding the critical enablers of university-anchored innovation ecosystems.
This new phase, called Unveiling the Secrets of Place-based Innovation, will build on the Forum's achievements and relationships with various stakeholders developed over the years to systematize best practices and experiences that can be applied to other environments.
"Higher education institutions and research organizations play pivotal roles in competitiveness and economic growth. When one looks at a global map of industry clusters and thriving start-up zones, seeing universities and research institutions anchoring the most innovative cities and regions should be no surprise", says GFCC President Deborah L. Wince-Smith. "We're pleased to count on Prof. Subic as the URLF's new co-chair. He has done outstanding work leading Aston University towards its 2030 vision, which proposes a transformational impact on Birmingham's people, students, businesses, and communities."
Professor Subic is a recognized global leader in technology and innovation in higher education, leading on Industry 4.0 strategy and digital transformations across the university sector and with industry and governments in Australia and internationally. He has received a number of prestigious awards for his work, including the Australian Business Innovation Award and the Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame Award.
"It is my honor and privilege to be appointed by the GFCC to lead the global URLF and co-chair the global alliance of innovation universities that drive place-based innovation in their respective regions, serving as catalysts of socio-economic transformation and placemaking. By collaborating across different geographies, cultures, and economies, we will gain valuable insights and tools to enhance our respective outcomes and impact for the benefit of communities we serve", comments Prof. Subic.
Visit the URLF's webpage for more information about the Forum's activities and achievements.